Converting Decimal to Fraction

When you are converting decimal to fraction, remember these three easy steps:

  1. Take the numbers after the decimal point and put them in the top of the fraction.
  2. In the bottom of the fraction put a multiple of 10 (10, 100, 1000, etc.). However many digits you have in the top, thats how many zeros you should have in the bottom!
  3. Reduce the fraction to lowest terms.

That's it! Piece of cake.


Once you know the process for decimal to fraction conversion, GradeA has a nice shortcut for you: a free online decimal to fraction calculator. Don't use this unless you understand the process above first - but once you do, it will be a real time save for you!


Example of Decimal to Fraction Conversion

In this example we are going to convert the decimal 0.15 into a fraction.


Description of each of the three steps above:

Step 1: take all the numbers after the decimal point, 15, and place them on the top of the fraction - this is the numerator.

Step 2: the bottom of the fraction becomes 100 because 15 has two digits, so you need to put two 0's. Another way to think about this is that the bottom should always have one more digit than the top. In this example, the top has two digits and the bottom has three.

Step 3: Reduce the fraction. 15 and 100 are both divisible by 5. When you divide them by 5 your fraction now becomes 3/20. Because both numbers cannot be reduced further, this is the final answer!

If you are having trouble with step 3, let GradeA help you reduce fractions.


Additional Information

GradeA offers plenty of other resources for converting between forms.

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Otherwise return from Converting Decimal to Fraction to Rules of Fractions.



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