GradeA's Geometry Glossary

To be successful in geometry, you need to know vocabulary terms. Use this geometry glossary to help you with your studies.

Note: Some terms have links to GradeA pages!

In addition to this geometry vocabulary, GradeA also offers geometry formulas and recommends this downloadable geometry formula sheet.

The GradeA Geometry Glossary
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Acute Angle: Angles that measure between 0 and 90 degrees.
Acute Triangle: A triangle where all 3 angles are less than 90 degrees. More about triangles.
Adjacent Angles: Angles that are next to each other.
Alternative Exterior Angles: Angles on opposite sides of the transversal that are on the exterior of the two parallel lines. More.
Alternate Interior Angles: Angles on opposite sides of the transversal that are also between the two parallel lines. More.
Altitude: The height of a triangle.
Angle: Two rays (lines or segments) that have a common endpoint. More information.
Angle Bisector: A ray (line or segment) that intersects the vertex of an angle in such a way that it creates two congruent (equal) angles.
Angle of Depression: An angle formed by a horizontal line of sight and an object viewed below it.
Angle of Elevation: An angle formed by a horizontal line of sight and an object viewed above it.
Area: The amout of square units that cover a two-dimensional surface.
ASA (Angle Side Angle Triangle Congruence): A "shortcut" for proving two triangles are congruent by proving the two pairs of angles and the pair of included sides are congruent.
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Base Angle (Isosceles Triangle): The two (congruent) angles of an isosceles triangle. They are form by each leg and the base side.
Centroid: The point of a triangle that is created by the intersection of its three medians. Sometimes referred to as the "center of gravity."
Circle: The set of all points in a given plane that is equidistant from a given point, known as the center of the circle.
Circumcenter: The point of a triangle that is created by the intersection of its three perpendicular bisectors. This point is useful because it is equidistant to the three vertices of the triangle.
Circumference: The distance around a circle.
Circumscribed: A polygon is said to be circumscribed about a circle if each side of the polygon intersects the circle in exactly one point (known as a point of tangency).
Collinear: Points that lie on the same line.
Complementary Angles: Two angles whose sum add to exactly 90 degrees.
Concave Polygon: A polygon with at least one pair of adjacent sides that are bent inward.
Concentric Circles: Multiple circles in a plane in which they have different diameters, but share the same center.

Conditional: A statement made up of two clauses known as the "hypothesis" and the "conclusion." The words if and then are used before each of those terms, respectively.

Example: If it rains outside, then I will use my umbrella.

Cone: A three-dimensional figure that has a circle for its base and connects at a given point known as the vertex.
Congruent: having the same size and shape. Geometric figures are said to be "congruent" while numbers are said to be "equal." They are very similar, but a little different.
Congruent Angles: Angles that have the same degree measure.
Congruent Polygons: Polygons that have the exact same size and shape.
Congruent Segments: Segments that have the same length.
Converse: A reversed conditional statement. The "if" and "then" parts of the conditional statement are switched.
Convex Polygons: A polygon in which none of the sides are bent inward (like a concave polygon).
Coplanar: on the same plane.
Corresponding Angles: Two angles in the same "spot" when parallel lines are intersected by a transversal. More.
CPCTC (Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent): When two triangles are proven to be congruent, then each of their corresponding parts (sides and angles) are also congruent.
Cylinder: A three-dimensional figure with 2 circular bases.
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Diameter: The distance from one point on a circle to another point on the circle which runs through the center.
Distance: The distance between 2 points. The distance must be in a "straight line."
Equilateral Triangle: A triangle in which all three sides are congruent.
Exterior Angles: Angles that are on the outside of the two parallel lines that are intersected by a transversal. More.
Hexagon: A six-sided polygon.
Hypotenuse: The longest side of a right triangle. The hypotenuse is always across from the right angle.
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Incenter: The point of a triangle that is created by the intersection of its three angle bisectors.
Inscribed Polygon: A polygon in which all of its vertices intersect on a circle. The polygon is said to be "inscribed in the circle."
Interior Angles: Angles between the two parallel lines that are intersected by the transversal. More.
Intersecting Lines: Two lines that cross at exactly one ponit.
Isosceles: A figure with two congruent sides. The most common examples are isosceles triangle and isosceles trapezoid.
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Kite: A quadrilateral with exactly two pairs of adjacents that are congruent.
Line: A set of points that extend forever in both directions.
Linear Pair: Two adjacent angles that form a line. These angles are always supplementary.
Median: A segment inside a triangle that intersects a vertice and the midpoint of an opposite side.
Midpoint: The point that divides a segment into two equal parts. It is the middle point of the segment.
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Non-collinear: Points that are not all on the same line.
Noncoplanar: Figures that are not all within in the same plane.
Obtuse Angle: An angle with a measure between 90 and 180 degrees.
Obtuse Triangle: A triangle which contains an obtuse angle. More about triangles.
Octagon: An eight-sided polygon.
Orthocenter: The point of a triangle that is created by the intersection of its three altitudes.
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Parallel Lines: Two lines in a plane that do not intersect. More.
Parallelogram: A quadrilateral in which both pairs of opposite sides are parallel.
Pentagon: A five-sided polygon.
Perimeter: The distance around a polygon.
Perpendicular Bisector: A segment (ray, line) that intersects a segment at a right angle through its midpoint.
Perpendicular Lines: Lines that intersect to form right angles.
Plane: A set of points that forms a flat surface and extends forever in all directions. It is one of the three undefined terms in geometry.
Pi: The ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter. More about pi.
Point: The most basic geometric figure. It is represented by a dot but it has no size or shape. It is one of the three undefined terms in geometry.
Polygon: A closed plane figure.
Prism: A three-dimensional figure in which the two bases are congruent polygons.
Pyramid: A three-dimensional figure in which the base is a polygon and the sides converge to a given point known as the vertex.
Pythagorean Theorem: For a right triangle, the sum of the square of both legs equals the square of the hypotenuse. It is commonly written with the formula a2 + b2 = c2. Learn how to use the pythagorean theorem, or learn about Pythagoras, the man for which the theorem is named.
Pythagorean Triples: Three numbers which can be the sides of a right triangle because they fit the pythagorean theorem.
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Quadrilateral: A four-sided polygon
Radius: The distance from a center to a point on a circle.
Ray: A set of points that extends forever in exactly one direction. More information.
Rectangle: A quadrilateral with four congruent angles (all are 90 degrees).
Regular Polygon: A polygon in which all angles are congruent, and all sides are also congruent.
Rhombus: A quadrilateral in which all four sides are congruent.
Right Angle: An angle whose measure is 90 degrees.
Right Triangle: A triangle which posesses a right angle. More about triangles.
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Same-Side Interior Angles: Two angles that are between the two parallel lines and are also on the same side of the transversal. More.
SAS (Side Angle Side Triangle Congruece): A "shortcut" for proving two triangles are congruent by proving that two pairs of sides and the pair of included angles are congruent.
Scalene Triangle: A triangle in which all three sides are not congruent (different lengths). More about triangles.
Segment: A set of points with distinct endpoints that does not extend forever in either direction. It is basically a piece of a line.
Segment Bisector: A segment (line, ray) that intersects another segment through its midpoint.
Similar Polygons: Polygons that are the same shape, but not necessarily the same size.
Skew Lines: Two lines that do not intersect, but are not in the same plane.
Sphere: The set of all points in space that are equidistant from a given point, knowns as the center.
Square: A quadrilateral in which all sides are congruent, and all angles are also congruent.
SSS (Side Side Side Triangle Congruence): A "shortcut" for proving two triangles are congruent by proving that all corresponding sides of one triangle are congruent to all corresponding sides of the other triangle.
Supplementary: Two angles whose sum is 180 degrees.
Surface Area: The sum of all the areas of a three-dimensional figure.
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Transformation: A change in size, shape, or position of a geometric figure.
Transversal: A line that intersects two or more other lines (often those lines are parallel). More.
Trapezoid: A quadrilateral in which exactly one pair of opposite sides are parallel.
Triangle: A three-sided polygon. More about triangles.
Vertex: The common endpoint of two rays.
Vertical Angles: Angles that are across from each other. Vertical angles are formed by intersecting lines, and their measures are always equal.
Vertices: Plural form of the word vertex.
Volume: The number of cubic units which can fill a given space. A good way to think about this is by asking yourself, "how much water can I pour into that figure?"
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